- Woodland Hills, CA
- Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm | Sat: 8am-3pm
Termite Control California
Safeguarding your property from termite infestations necessitates a multi-pronged approach. These cellulose-consuming creatures can go unnoticed for years, slowly devouring the very foundation of your property.
A crucial first step involves eliminating potential attractants. Additionally, maintaining a moisture-free environment around your property is essential, as termites thrive in damp conditions.
Our experienced technicians can recommend and implement a tailored treatment plan to eliminate existing infestations and establish preventative measures that shield your home from future termite threats.
Our Termite Control Services
Unlike some insects, termite infestations often go undetected for extended periods. By the time you notice the damage they’ve done to your property, it’s already too late to save whatever it is they’ve destroyed.
Termite prevention strategies vary depending on the type of termite, the severity of an infestation (if present), and the specific construction of your property. However, several key steps can significantly reduce the risk of termite damage:

Early Detection
Our team utilizes advanced detection methods to identify termite activity before it becomes a major issue. Thermal imaging and specialized monitoring tools can pinpoint hidden infestations.

Exclusion Techniques
Sealing cracks in the foundation, maintaining a barrier between soil and wood structures, and removing cellulose debris near the building all work together to limit termite access.

Preventative Measures
Following successful termite eradication, we recommend ongoing preventative measures like maintaining a moisture-free environment and addressing potential entry points. This minimizes the risk of future infestations.

Professional Expertise
Consulting a qualified termite control professional ensures a customized plan for your property’s specific vulnerabilities. This proactive approach safeguards your investment from potential termite damage.
Both of these treatments require special handling and should only be applied by experienced professionals. If you need our gopher removal services, please call 818-521-6892 to schedule an appointment.
How Termite Control Works
Preventing termite infestations demands a proactive approach. We can guide you on effective prevention strategies.
Here’s how we can help you achieve long-term peace of mind:
- Physical Barriers: We’ll seek out and seal cracks in your home’s foundation, maintaining a solid gap between soil and wood structures to create a concrete obstacle that keeps your home out of the reach of termites.
- Habitat Modification: We recommend removing wood debris, firewood, and other cellulose materials from near your foundation. This eliminates potential food sources and discourages termite exploration.
These are the types of preventative measures that we take pride in after years of field experience. We’ve learned that it’s only by implementing these measures that you can keep any property safe from termite activity. Your home’s risk for termite damage is significantly reduced with these methods.

Why Hire Facility Pest Control for Termite Control Services
Termites pose a significant threat to your property. Preventing termite infestations demands specialized knowledge and experience.
This is where Facility Pest Control steps in to offer comprehensive termite prevention solutions. Here’s why Facility Pest Control stands out:
Customized Strategies
One-size-fits-all solutions rarely work when it comes to termite control. We have trained our certified inspectors to keep an eye out for two things: potential entry points and conditions conducive to termite activity. These two are at the crux of our customized action plan that will address your property’s unique vulnerabilities.
Guaranteed Protection
We understand the importance of safeguarding your investment. This is why we’ve designed our proven termite prevention strategies to act as a long-lasting shield that will keep destructive pests away from your beloved abode. With us, your peace of mind is guaranteed.
Unmatched Expertise
Our team is highly trained and experienced in identifying termite vulnerabilities and implementing effective preventative measures. We utilize advanced detection methods to uncover potential problems before they escalate.
Peace of Mind Assurance
Termite infestations can be stressful and expensive to manage. Partnering with Facility Pest Control provides peace of mind. Our experienced team offers ongoing monitoring and re-evaluation to ensure your property remains protected against future threats.
Stop termite threats from adding to your age. Facility Pest Control offers a reliable and efficient solution to these oft-invisible threats. We’re proven providers of customized plans that we’ve tailored to your specific needs, ensuring peace of mind and long-term protection for your property. We cover a large service area with our cockroach control services, including Agoura Hills, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Encino, Van Nuys, and more.
Schedule a Termite Exterminator Service Visit Today
Termite infestations often go undetected for years, causing significant structural damage before their presence is known. Facility Pest Control offers a comprehensive approach to prevent these destructive pests from taking hold.
Scheduling a termite inspection is easy. Simply call us at (818) 521-6892 or email our team at facilitypestcontrol@gmail.com.
Our team is dedicated to providing you with peace of mind and long-term protection for your property.