Mosquito Control & Prevention Services

Mosquitoes bite, annoy people, and carry harmful diseases, making them a pest that nobody wants on their property. Unfortunately, Southern California has more than 50 established species, including non-native species that have moved in over the past several years.

Tired of mosquitoes buzzing and biting? Facility Pest Control gets your current mosquito population under control and helps you to prevent them from coming back. To get your free inspection and customized recommendations, please call us at 818-521-6892 or email today. 

Southern California Mosquito Species

Some of the more common types of mosquitoes in Southern California include the following:

Aedes Mosquitoes

There are multiple species within the aedes genus, and they’re the most common type found in our state—with 27 different varieties of them living in California. You may hear them referred to as floodwater mosquitoes because they lay eggs in places that are expected to fill up with water. As adults, this kind of mosquito can bite people pretty aggressively and can spread many types of disease: from yellow fever to dengue, chikungunya, and more. They also spread heartworm in dogs.

Mosquito Pest Control & Prevention Services

Culex Mosquitoes

This is the second most common type of mosquitoes in Southern California with 12 species found in our state. Although they aren’t as troublesome in the daytime, they bite at dusk and during the night.

Anopheles Mosquitoes

Five different species of anopheles are found in California. What’s especially dangerous about them: they are the only known carrier of malaria.

Culiseta Mosquitoes

Four different species of culiseta are found in California. The biggest problem: some of them really like to bite.

Mosquito Prevention Techniques

Water is crucial for mosquitoes, no matter what stage of the life cycle—egg, larva, pupa, or adult—they’re in. So, by eliminating whatever sources of standing water that you can on your property, and reducing what you can’t get rid of, you can make your home and yard less hospitable to them.

For example, make sure that you get rid of any water that’s collected inside of barrels and buckets, old tires, toys, and clogged rain gutters. Don’t leave water in your pets’ bowls outside when they’re not in use. If you’ve got a fish pond, remove excess vegetation around it and consider adding mosquitofish to the pond. If you have a birdbath, change the water weekly to get rid of any mosquito larvae.

Other strategies include wearing clothing that covers exposed skin, including arms and legs. Hats are available with netting for the face and head if needed. Use an EPA-registered repellent; when using sunscreen, apply that first and then put the insect repellent over that. When possible, stay indoors when mosquitoes are most active. Also, if you have any reason to believe that you or a loved one has become ill because of a mosquito bite, seek medical attention promptly. 

Mosquito Control Services

No matter how careful you are, you may well find mosquitoes on your property. After all, these critters appreciate the California climate. So, if you find that your mosquito prevention techniques simply aren’t enough, be proactive in reaching out for help. The sooner a professional pest control company begins treatment, the better.

Our process involves an inspection of your Southern California property; an identification of the species there; and the creation of a mosquito control program that best fits your challenges.

At Facility, we have three mosquito control methods that we use to rid your yard of these pesky pests which can also be quite dangerous. And, no matter what pest control services you need, ask us about our eco-friendly options. We offer a range of organic and green services to protect your property and our planet, so please ask us about the low-toxic or non-toxic choices that would be right for you. 

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In2Care Mosquito Treatments

We offer the innovative In2Care Mosquito Trap System that targets mosquitoes at both the adult and larval stages. This system uses green ingredients to attract female mosquitoes, which lay their eggs in the water and then carry the In2Care trap’s larvicide to other mosquito breeding sites in the area around the trap. The active ingredients in the trap include a biological fungus that’s toxic only to insects and doesn’t harm birds or your pets.

The In2Care Mosquito Trap we install on your property is designed to control the dangerous Aedes aegypti species in particular and attracts the Culex mosquito species as well. Your Facility Pest Control technician will be glad to answer all of your questions about this safe, effective method of mosquito control for your home. 

Apart from the above product, we also offer fogging of yards and regular spraying for efficient mosquito prevention.

Why Hire Facility Pest Control for Mosquito Control & Prevention Services

When it comes to mosquito control and prevention, Facility Pest Control stands unmatched. Our service is a perfect blend of professionalism, efficiency and affordability. We pride ourselves on our expertise in tackling mosquito problems head-on, ensuring a safe and pest-free environment for you and your loved ones. 

Mosquito Control

What sets us apart is our commitment to using eco-friendly methods. We understand the importance of preserving our environment while keeping pests at bay, and we have tailored our services accordingly. Our team uses innovative techniques and products that are both effective and harmless to the surroundings.

Mosquito Control

Our professionals are not just technicians; they’re trained specialists. They possess a deep understanding of mosquito biology, behavior, and habitats. This knowledge enables them to implement targeted strategies, eliminating mosquitos at their source and preventing future infestations.

Mosquito Control

Moreover, our customer service is top-tier. We believe in transparency and communication. From the initial consultation to the final inspection, you’ll be informed and involved in every step of the process. We won’t rest until you’re completely satisfied with our service.

Hiring Facility Pest Control for mosquito control and prevention is an investment in peace of mind. Whether you’re in Agoura HillsWoodland HillsTarzanaWestlake VillageThousand OaksEncinoVan Nuys, or anywhere nearby, we can serve you. 

Choose Facility Pest Control for Your Mosquito Treatments

Experienced technicians at Facility use the latest innovations to provide quality services at affordable prices. That’s why San Fernando Valley homeowners and businesses rely upon our family-owned and operated company for their mosquito treatments, trusting in our integrity and effectiveness. 

Owner Sam Karbelnig originally sold pest control services for a large company where he learned what’s important to customers. From the moment he started Facility, he has focused on building long-term relationships with Southern California customers from Agoura Hills to Woodland Hills and everywhere in between, providing specialized attention to them.

To get your free inspection and recommendations, please call us at 818-521-6892 or email today.


Mosquito Control Services FAQs

What diseases can mosquitoes carry and how serious can they be?

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diseases carried by mosquitoes include the West Nile virus, Zika virus, dengue, the chikungunya virus, malaria, encephalitis, and yellow fever. When someone gets bitten by an infected mosquito, they may or may not get sick. If they do, the result can range from a short-term illness that’s relatively mild to a severe case that can result in death. 

Mosquitoes need what virtually any other creature would: food, moisture, and shelter. To reproduce, they need warm temperatures and enough water. They can detect body heat and carbon dioxide (which people and pets exhale), making it easy to find sources of nourishment. 

In most species, female mosquitoes need blood to facilitate the production of their eggs. Once a female has gotten enough blood to lay her eggs, she’ll switch to seeking out natural sugars. There are a few species where females solely consume natural sugars, such as plant nectar—which is the type of nourishment that males of all mosquito species use. 

Our trained technicians provide bed bug treatments that eliminate adults and their eggs to prevent reinfestation; highly effective gopher and rodent control treatments; and stinging insect and bee control services. We also offer attic cleanout services in case rats have built their nests there, which includes clean-up of the droppings and urine they leave behind.