How to Get Rid of Rodents in the Garden

Ever felt like you have uninvited company in your garden. If so, you may be interested in learning how to get rid of rodents in the garden.

Rodents can be a real nuisance and are actually a health hazard if left unchecked. The good news is that there are solutions. The bad news is that knowing how to get rid of rodents in the garden requires a little research. Luckily help is at hand. We’ve produced a top guide to tell you everything you need to know.

In this article, we’re going to teach you how to get rid of rodents in the garden.

What are Rodents?

You might think that rodents are either rats or mice. This isn’t the case. A rodent is actually the term given to any animal that has continuously growing teeth. This in itself can be a problem as to wear them down. They continuously gnaw at things. Not great if those things happen to be in your garden. Here are some examples of rodents: –

  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Gophers
  • Squirrels 
  • Beavers
  • Chinchillas 
  • Guinea pigs
  • Voles
  • Moles

While some of the above are actually domesticated pets, others are found naturally and can be a real nuisance.

How Will I Know if I Have Rodents in My Garden?

How can you be sure that you have these toothy pests in your garden? There are some obvious signs and some not-so-obvious. Here’s what to look for: –

You’ve Spotted Them

This one is the most obvious. Rodents tend to only come out when it is quiet. Want the bad news? If you’ve seen one, there are likely more in your garden. 

Plant Damage

Have you noticed your plants or garden vegetables are damaged? Those rodents will do anything for an easy meal, and they can eat a lot (especially in numbers). If you notice your plants seem to be getting thinner by the day or large gnaw marks on things like trees and saplings, then rodents could be the likely cause. 

Tunnels or Mounds

Many species of rodents live below the ground. Moles, in particular, are easy to spot as they leave huge mounds of soil when they emerge through your lawn! Also, keep a good lookout for small round holes in dry areas of dirt. This is a surefire sign of a rat or mouse nest.


Most rodents have extremely bad manners when it comes to toilet habits. Droppings will give you a great clue that you have rodents in attendance. The good news it makes species identification easy, then you can come up with an effective plan. 

Areas Where Rodents Live in the Garden

Think you’ve got rodents but aren’t sure where to look? Here are some of the likely spots where rodents may be living in your garden.

Compost Heaps

Imagine living in a place where fresh food was brought to you every day. While compost heaps are environmentally friendly, they provide the perfect ‘dine-in’ experience for a hungry rodent. 


Dry? Check. Warm? Check. Quiet? Check. 

Outbuildings such as sheds, barns, and storage areas provide rodents with the real estate they need to stay warm, dry, and comfortable. 

Garbage Areas

It’s no secret that rats love trash. If you have any accumulations of garbage, this acts as a literal buffet for a hungry rat.

Wood Piles

In a natural setting, rodents love to burrow under piles of wood. Your log stack or woodpile might simulate this environment perfectly. 

How to Get Rid of Rodents in the Garden

So, you’re sure you’ve got rodents in your garden? It’s understandable that you want rid of them. Here are some things you could try.

Remove their Habitat

If you make your garden less hospitable, there is a chance that the rodents might get up and leave. Keep your grass trimmed short and your garden tidy. Rodents don’t like clear spaces as it leaves them open to being spotted and eaten by predators.

Remove the Food

Having rodents doesn’t mean your garden is unclean. Simple things like birdfeeders can act as magnets to all sorts of rodents.

Improve Sanitation

Most rodents locate their food by scent. Cut down on the smell, cut down on the rodents. Areas that attract particular attention are garbage disposal outlet pipes, compost heaps, and areas for storing garbage.

Perimeter Security

If mice and other rodents can’t get into outbuildings, they can’t nest there. It is that simple. Be sure to block any holes and access points.

Protect Your Plants

Seedlings and saplings are on the top of menu rodent’s menu. You can easily discourage them by covering any such plants with plastic tubing. 


It’s time to get serious. There are numerous options available when it comes to feeding rodents something that definitely won’t agree with them. 

Some poisons simply kill rodents directly. Others are designed to be carried back to the source, where it will also eliminate rodents’ offspring. 

There are downsides to using poisons, however, especially in the garden. The garden can be the place where both children and pets play. Most people’s idea of a ‘safe’ garden doesn’t feature poison. If you are considering this option, perhaps seek professional help so you can be sure it represents a danger only to the intended target.


Traps are another way to rid yourself of rodents. As with poison, however, they may not be child and pet-friendly. They also only deal with one rodent at a time and need to be inspected often.

Contact the Professionals 

Perhaps the best solution is to seek the help of a professional pest control company. They will be able to quickly identify the species, explain the extent of the problem, and develop an easy and safe solution. Facility Pest Control, serving the California area, has extensive knowledge in dealing with many different species of rodents. 

From gophers and moles to rats and mice and everything in between, they will be able to offer a viable and easy solution. Knowing how to get rid of rodents in the garden can be tricky. Why not contact us today and see how we can help.