What Are Ground Hornets

Ground hornets, commonly known as cicada killers and sometimes confused with yellow jackets due to their similar appearance, are among the most common digger wasp species in the United States. These wasps, however, are more solitary than other stinging insects. When they create nests, they can be dangerous to your house or office, especially if you or the people around you are allergic to their sting. In this post, let’s talk about everything you need to know about ground hornets.


Where Do Ground Hornets Nest?

Ground hornets can nest in almost any place, including flower beds, rear yards, and the soil along sidewalks. Often seen during the summertime, female ground hornets dig their tunnels in dry soil after mating. Once they begin digging, they can establish nesting sites up to 12 feet below the ground’s surface.

What are Signs of Infestations?

Large holes in your lawn or patio are a telltale indicator of a ground hornet infestation. Holes excavated by hornets are typically about an inch and a half wide, and if the insects have built their nests near one another, you’ll find quite a few of them.

Large mounds of earth in the shape of a horseshoe are another possible clue. You can identify the opening of a tunnel by its position, which is almost always in the sunlight.

Tips For Prevention

  • It is good knowledge that ground hornets prefer to nest on loose dirt. To avoid the establishment of their nest, one of the finest things you can do is practice good grass care and wellness.
  • Watering your lawn prevents the soil from getting too loose, which prevents them from digging in it.
  • They love to nest in areas that receive a lot of sunlight. As a result, as an effective countermeasure, any shade-producing vegetation should be planted.
  • It is critical to remember that ground hornets pose a significant health danger to anyone allergic to them.
  • Furthermore, they can cause havoc for anyone attempting to enjoy the outdoors.

How to Remove Hornet’s Nest

When a hornet’s nest needs to be removed, the ground hornets in it must be killed, preferably all at once, to prevent the wasps from re-establishing a new nest or returning to the original one. The babies can always come back if you don’t manage to wipe them out completely.

Successful extermination does not guarantee that wasps and hornets won’t return in the future. A ground hornet’s nest is a dangerous thing. You should only attempt to remove it yourself if you know what you’re doing. The best way to remove a ground hornet’s nest is to hire an exterminator because they will have all the tools and knowledge necessary for this task.


An untreated ground hornet nest is a serious problem that can quickly become insurmountable. Reach out to Facility Pest Control if the ground hornet infestation has become too much for you to handle. Our experienced professionals can help you get your property back in order, and we’ll do it quickly and discreetly. We offer various services, including pest control treatment and removal and preventative measures to keep pests away from your home or business.