Mosquito Repellent Plants to Add to Your Yard

Mosquito season is upon us, and that means that you’ll have to look into keeping those annoying pests away from you and your home. There are lots of ways you can repel them, but one excellent way of doing so is with mosquito repellent plants. Here are some of the best plants to plant in your yard to keep the mosquitoes at bay.   

Why Planting Certain Plants Deter Mosquitoes?   

What is it about certain plants that make them repel mosquitoes? It’s all about the fragrance they give off. There are lots of plants that have lovely fragrances, but actually, annoy mosquitoes enough to repel them. That’s great for you, as you don’t have to spray chemicals over your garden or go in with traps and other methods of keeping them away.  

If you want to use plants, the best thing to do is plant them in areas where you’ll be sitting or using the yard the most. Planting them near windows and doorways helps too, as it will stop the pests from coming into your home.   

Now you’ll want to find the best plant for your yard. Here are some of the best ones that you can plant right now.   

Mosquito Repellent Plants

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Lavender is a popular choice as it can thrive in all kinds of environments, so wherever you live, you can plant it to ward off mosquitoes. It does thrive the best in warmer climes though, so keep this in mind as you pick out plants.  

Once you plant your lavender, it’ll be drought resistant and very hardy, so you won’t have to do much to keep it growing. Many animals hate it and won’t touch it, as the essential oils it gives off are repellent to them. Some say that the fragrance actually hinders mosquitoes’ ability to smell.  

Either way, to plant lavender all you’ll need is full sun and good drainage, and you can enjoy the scent in your yard.  

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Catnip is actually a member of the mint family and has been shown to be an excellent mosquito repellent. In fact, it’s so effective that some have found it to be more effective than DEET, the chemical you’ll find in most insect repellents. For those trying not to use chemicals in their garden, that’s something you’ll be glad to know.  

If you’re thinking of planting something to repel mosquitoes but you’re not confident in your planting skills, the good news is that catnip is incredibly easy to take care of. In fact, if you don’t keep an eye on it it can actually start invading other areas of your garden. If you’re willing to deal with that though, catnip will be a highly effective repellent.  

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Marigolds are another popular choice as they’re easy to grow, and you can get them in all kinds of colors. That makes them a beautiful addition to any yard. They’re an annual flower and often work best in pots around your doorways or seating areas. You can also plant them in borders and in vegetable gardens, too.  

They’re excellent at keeping mosquitoes away, but they can also repel pests like aphids, thrips, whiteflies, squash bugs, tomato hornworms, and Mexican bean beetles to name a few. If you want a plant that’s a good all-rounder, marigolds are what you want. 

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Bee Balm

Many gardeners are looking to attract bees to their gardens. The problem is you want to attract them without attracting the pests that could come along with them. If that sounds like you, then you’ll want to plant some bee balm in your garden.  

When you crush the leaves, you’ll get oils that repel pests, while still attracting bees and butterflies. You’ll also get a wide array of colorful flowers, such as red, pink, lavender, and white in the summer. You can have attractive plants that put off mosquitoes at the same time.  

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Citronella Grass

You may also see this listed as lemongrass, and it’s a brilliant pest deterrent. It’s one of the most common plants used in repelling pests, and you’ll see lots of citronella products in the summer, such as candles and sprays, that are designed to keep them away. If you want to get the most out of it though, you’ll want to plant it in your garden.  

Citronella grass doesn’t do well with frost, so you’ll want to put it in planters where you need it most. Once it’s planted it’s low maintenance, so you won’t need to do much to keep it growing.  

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Growing rosemary in your garden not only keeps pests at bay, but it gives you easy access to this herb for your cooking. You’ll be familiar with the scent that it gives, and this will be enough to keep pests away. It’s also good at repelling cabbage moths and carrot flies, too.  

If you live in a hot and dry area the plants will do really well there. If you have winters, then rosemary will still thrive in pots. You can even prune the plant into shapes if you want to get creative with them. Whatever you do, you’ll get a lot of pest-repelling power from them.  

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If you want another herb in your garden, then basil is an excellent pest repelling plant. As it has such a strong smell, it’ll keep a lot of pests, including mosquitoes, at bay. If you want to plant this, you’ll need good drainage and lots of sun. You’ll also need to keep it damp.  

You can double up on pest repellent by adding this to your garden along with rosemary, and you’ll have the start of a good herb garden as well as a great method of mosquito control.  

With all these plants, you can make your yard look beautiful as well as keep those mosquitoes at bay. Try adding in a few of these suggestions, and you’ll have a gorgeous garden as well as much fewer mosquitoes bothering you in the summer months. 

Stop Mosquito Breeding In Its Tracks

Adding these plants to your yard will surely help deter mosquitoes, but if you need to stop them in their tracks, now, we can help.

Facility Pest Control uses in2care buckets. these mosquito traps contain water and other substances that attract mosquitoes. They lay their eggs in the water, where biological fungus in the trap destroys them at this point. The mosquito laying the eggs also carries the larvicide powder to other breeding places across your yard, destroying yet more eggs. In a few days, before it can spread disease, the mosquito is dead.


The most appealing aspect of the trap is that the substances inside it aren’t harmful to other plants or animals in the environment. That includes your animals, as well as any wild creatures that might come across the trap.

They’re easy to set up, and you don’t have to constantly check on them or do much to maintain them. You can set them and forget about them for weeks at a time, which is great if you’re going on

If you want to install one in your yard, get in touch with your local pest control company today. They’ll be able to install it for you quickly and start targeting those mosquitoes right now.

To learn more about mosquito control and mosquito repellent plants call Facility Pest Control today!