The ant is a typical insect, but it possesses several unique talents. Around the world, you may find more than 10,000 different species of ants. Particularly common in tropical forests, they may account for half of all insects. A few of the more prevalent ant species in Reseda, California, are listed below.

Harvester Ants
The harvester ant species native to California is about a quarter of an inch long and red. The entrance to the nest is marked by a tiny mound typically covered in discarded scraps of food. Nests are located underground. In most cases, they look for seeds as their primary source of nutrition.
Since it is closed off, there is no sign of activity within the nest during the colder months. It is common knowledge that harvester ants possess venomous stingers. These ants have successfully killed young pigs due to their quick and ferocious attacks. Harvester Ants will attack anyone or anything that gets too close to their nest.
Southern Fire Ants
The Southern fire ant can be found across Southern California, particularly in the lower elevations. In general, the Southern fire ant is a little smaller than the red imported fire ant, yet, it is just as capable of causing severe damage and inflicting a nasty sting. They can be as long as one-fourth of an inch and can be either a dark brown or black tint.

Because their nests are sensitive to vibrations, an army of ants will emerge to attack if even the sound of nearby footsteps is heard. They construct mounds, concealing their nests beneath stones, boards, or anything else on the ground that offers some degree of protection.

Velvety Tree Ants
This species of ant prefers to build its nest in trees, especially those that are situated in moist, wooded areas close to water sources like streams and creeks. They range in size from a quarter of an inch to a half of an inch. These ants inhabit mountainous regions and the foothills surrounding those mountains. They have a range of several hundred feet around the nest and have been known to enter dwellings. In addition, they will bring back to the nest dead insects and other foods. A velvety tree ant’s bite will result in a toxin’s injection into the wound.
Bicolored Carpenter Ant
These ants, which belong to Camponotus Vicinus, are widespread over western North America, from Canada to Mexico. The state of California is home to a sizable population. This species makes its home in decaying wood and rocky crevices. Between March and October, it builds its nests and colonies.

The presence of several food sources piques the ants’ interest. All other ants in this species are active at night, except the worker ants. Worker ants are the ones who venture out during the day, and dead animals draw them out. The putrefying liver has been utilized as bait for the species throughout the process.
Immediately call us at Facility Pest Control if you suspect an ant problem in or near your home. Get rid of invasive ants in or around your home with the help of trained professionals. Dial (818) 521-6892 for a free price quote on residential pest control services.