Category Gopher

Gopher Activity Identification: Pest Control

Gopher Identification

Calabasas is in Los Angeles County. It has a mix of quiet and city convenience. But, like many places, it has pest problems. One common issue is bed bugs. While businesses need commercial pest control, this blog will talk about…

Do Gophers Eat Tree Roots

do gophers eat tree roots

Gophers, those small, burrowing rodents, are often fascinating for nature enthusiasts and gardeners alike. Their complex tunnel systems and underground lifestyle raise questions about their dietary preferences. Among the many queries, one frequently asked question is whether gophers consume tree…

How to Get Rid of Gophers in Your Yard & Garden

how to get rid of gophers in your yard

Gophers might look cute and harmless, but they can create chaos for homeowners and gardening enthusiasts alike. Despite their endearing appearance, these burrowing rodents are notorious for causing extensive damage to lawns, gardens, and plants. With their intricate tunnel systems…

How To Get Rid Of Gopher And Squirrels At Home?

gopher in hole smiths

Your lawn and garden serve as outdoor havens. Whether you are cooking supper, hosting guests, or simply unwinding after a hard day, your outside space should be a sanctuary. Unfortunately, the mere presence of a few gophers or ground squirrels is sufficient…

6 Signs of a Gopher Infestation and What to Do Next

signs of gopher infestation (1)

While gophers may look slightly comical in their appearance, they are certainly no laughing matter. They can decimate a garden, and if left unchecked, can even undermine the structure of your home and outbuildings. The first step to preventing gophers…

How to Get Rid of Pocket Gophers in California

how to get rid of pocket gophers

While pocket gophers may look cute, they are actually a real pest. Burrowing rodents can make a mess of gardens and lawns, and what’s more, the things growing in your garden may feature on their list of ‘favorite foods’. The…

How to Prevent Gophers from Eating Tree Roots

how to prevent gophers from eating tree roots

If you have a tree in your yard, then you’re at risk of gophers destroying the roots. Gophers are burrowing rodents that love to eat tree roots and create underground tunnel systems. If you’ve never had a gopher problem before…